IntraFi Network – ICS and CDARS

Flexibility to safely and securely diversify deposits with ICS and CDARS.

IntraFi Cash Service (ICS) ®

With IntraFi Cash Service, ICS®, you can enjoy the safety and simplicity that comes with access to multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance through a single bank relationship.

How does ICS work? We, like other institutions that offer ICS®, are members of the IntraFi network. When we place your deposit through ICS, that deposit is divided into amounts under the standard FDIC insurance maximum of $250,000. The amounts are then placed into deposit accounts at multiple FDIC insured banks. As a result, you can access FDIC coverage from many institutions while working directly just with us. Receive one statement from our bank and access key details about your accounts online, 24/7.

IntraFi CDARS®

By leveraging CDARS®, you can access multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance on CD investments.

How does CDARS work? Institutions that offer CDARS are members of the IntraFi network. When a member institution places your deposit through CDARS, that deposit is divided into amounts under the standard FDIC insurance maximum of $250,000. The funds are then placed into deposit accounts at other network banks. As a result, you can access FDIC coverage from many institutions while working directly with just ours. Receive one statement from our bank detailing all your CDARS placements.

Interested in learning more about IntraFi services? Visit your local bank branch.